Jared Rice

New Job Creation Opportunities

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Despite the challenges associated with running a local city government such as New Rochelle, results can be achieved if the right teamwork is present.  With so many issues to deal with at any given moment, it is often best to combine them into one workable solution.  With that being said, I am happy to announce that New Rochelle will partake in Governor Cuomo’s “NY Youth Works Program”.
This program was signed into law on December 9, 2011, and was designed to encourage businesses to hire unemployed and disadvantaged youth by providing businesses with tax incentives.  Under this plan, many objectives can be reached simultaneously, including economic development, job creation, and overall concerns surrounding the plight of our under performing youth.
At a seminar recently held to provide prospective employers, community organizations, government officials and others with more information about the NY Youth Works Program, there was a high level of energy as many stakeholders from the New Rochelle community expressed interest in becoming a participant.  In order to be eligible, both businesses and employees must undergo a minimal certification process.  With the already high level of interest that has been expressed, I believe that we are off to a great start.
However, in order to make this program a complete success and achieve its maximum potential, there must be a collaborative effort. This program is capable of either being very successful or very unsuccessful; my intentions are for the former.
For more information, please log onto  https://labor.ny.gov/careerservices/youth-tax-credit.shtm.